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May 20


Forest Meadow

Herd Location


Next Move
May 20

Forest Meadow

Pond, Tule, EPM

Cheryl Ann Fulton


Dear Board,
Please explore and take onto consideration a variety of options for controlling the tule.  Joe at EBMUD once suggested that we get some cows (who do not contract EPM-the E standing for Equine) for a very short term to manage the tules.  Many of us thought that was a good idea but a majority of the Board rejected that option.  We opted to fence off the ponds.
If you decide to let the horses in the pond please make accommodation for those members concerned about EPM to have their horses elsewhere when the pond fence is removed.  Perhaps the fence could be removed for a short period and when the tules are sufficiently trampled be put back up?  Members who do not want their horses in a high risk situation could have their horses elsewhere on the pasture during the time the fence is down and then can move their horses back when it goes back up.
For new members who are not familiar with the EPM outbreak, several horses at OHA contracted EPM a few years ago.  DR. Pusterla from UC Davis gave a special lecture for OHA members which was held at EBMUD headquarters. One point he made clear was that both ponds on the OHA pasture are very high risk sources for transmitting the disease.  There are many factors and there is no way to know exactly how the disease was contracted on our pasture.  There are high and low risk factors.  Since the ponds were fenced off we have not had another horse succumb to EPM.
My horse Fazon was one of the horses who contracted this disease at OHA.  It cost over $4000 for the medication and required many months of daily care and medicating.  Any new members who would like details may contact me personally.
OHA Board, thanks for considering all the possibilities.