December 2017 Minutes

Meeting commenced around 7PM

Held at Heather’s

Heather made turkey casserole, and others brought yummy treats

Board Members Present: Anna, Wakean, Sally, Linda and Heather

Erica was also present


In Hand Herd move December 23 – From Middle Meadow to Lower Sullivan – Elise will be coordinating this soon

Work hours were due by Sept 1 – Your payment for these hours is now overdue

Feeding Schedule: Here is the link

Calendar & Rotation

Work will be done on the pavilion in the coming weeks – if your horse happens to be in the way of construction please expect that your horse may be moved to accomplish the repairs needed. Work on the pavilion to make it safe and dry is a priority.

1) Proposed Agenda – Approved

2) Meeting Minutes from last meeting were approved

3) Review Planning Grid

a) EBMUD Payment – Page will ensure we’re on top of this

b) Wormers for December – Liz has been managing wormers, Heather will confirm her continued interest while her horse is away

c) File corporate Tax form – Heather will confirm with Page that this has been completed

4) Membership Issues:

a) Open Space – Eddie is scheduling prospective members


a) AGP – Virginia Northrop – is doing our AGP

i. EBMUD did not approve a hay tent
ii. They did approve:
1. Red Barn Repairs
2. Weeding
3. We are exploring additional potential items (i.e. Pond barn, water for
4. LS, and scotch broom)
b) Wakean asked EBMUD to check the structural integrity of the bridge, and they informed us that the City of Orinda maintains/manages the bridge, so he will follow up with them

c) Old Stall Grant – we are going to be purchasing more gravel, quarter to dust, stall mats and a log for the old stalls

6) Treasurer’s Report:

a) Work Hours Tally – The board reviewed the work hours, and the treasurer will be following up with people who haven’t completed their hours.

b) Page submitted the budget, and wasn’t present, Heather provided feedback – once finalized Page will distribute this to the club

7) Pond Pasture fence proposal – this has been tabled to the next meeting

8) Grazing Plan –

a) Erica put together a proposal for how we might potentially manage for a lush year, the board reviewed this and gave her approval to discuss this with EBMUD

b) Once approved we will disseminate to the organization

9) Proposed Rule: Former Members on the waitlist

10) The board approved the following New Rule, which has been out for 30 day review and commented on by the membership. Here is the new rule:

a) Proprietary OHA members, who after years of membership, decide to leave OHA (in good standing, meaning that they’ve not left any debt of funds or work hours owed, and not been subject to disciplinary action or termination) and then later want to rejoin again will be given priority over others on the new member wait list. These folks will take priority over new prospective members, but not over the second horse list.

i. The new rule would include the following terms and conditions:
1. The departing member would need to request that they be put on the waitlist at the time they terminate their membership. They could not request to be added to the top of the waitlist at any other time.
2. The departing member would be placed on the waitlist following any other former members who were previously added to the waitlist.
3. The rules applying to declining an offer of a space would apply, except that members would not have a time limit on how long they could stay on the waitlist. If a former member on the waitlist declines an offer of a space three times, they would need to reapply and would be placed at the bottom of the waitlist.
4. Potential returning members will be subject to an interview.
5. The rule would apply prospectively, to any individual giving up their membership on or after the date the rule is adopted
11) OHA URL – The board discussed next steps, and decided the old site would be redirected to the new site.

a) Eddie will be leading the content redesign for the site.

12) Next Board Meeting – Monday January 8, 7PM

i. Metro Dog, 3117 Pierce Street, Richmond 94804

Thank you’s:

b) Erica for her work on grazing plan

c) Wakean redid the red barn

d) Toot your own horn – please send any thank you’s for the next minutes